Curved Penis FAQ

Curved Penis FAQ
Martin Moore
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Having a slightly curved penis when erect is perfectly normal. However, if the curve is significant and causes you painful erections and/or intercourse, there is a chance that you are suffering from Peyronie’s disease.

Based on conducted studies, only 1% of men have a curved penis without having Peyronie’s disease.

However, 1 out of 100 men suffer from it. Yet, not all men have been tested for it, so some scientists believe that the actual numbers are 1 out of 10.

Here you will find a detailed FAQ about the curved penis and Peyronie’s disease that will help you understand your situation better and discover potential treatments.

Why is my penis curved?

Having a slightly curved penis when erect is perfectly normal. Especially if it has always been like that and doesn’t cause you any troubles in your daily life, especially when having sex or when the penis is erect.

However, if your penis recently developed these changes, there is a chance that you might be suffering from Peyronie’s disease.

If you see that your penis shape has changed, you have painful erections or painful sex – you should see a specialist.

Even if you don’t have these symptoms, yet are worried and have doubts about your penis health – consult a physician as well.

What causes a curved penis?

Uneven spaces inside your penis tissue can cause a curved penis. As you probably noticed, the penis curvature is visible only when it’s erect.

Your penis is made from a sponge-like texture that expands and becomes hard when more blood is drawn to it.

If you have a curved erect penis, great chances are that this tissue is unevenly distributed within your penis.

Usually, this happens due to differences in penis anatomy. However, scar tissue or other problem can cause it as well.

Peyronie’s disease, penis injury, inherited abnormalities of fibrous tissue, or an autoimmune disease usually causes a curved penis.

How to fix a curved penis?

First, you need to find out whether you actually need to fix your curved penis.

If you were born with a slight curvature and it doesn’t impact your sex life or life in general – most likely there’s no need to search for a cure as there is nothing to cure.

However, if this is not the case and you need to fix a curved penis, there are non-surgical as well as surgical treatments available.

The most popular non-surgical penis curvature treatment is using a penis extender. High-quality penis extenders can fix up to 60 % of the initial curvature.

Some men choose to get various medicines and steroid injections. However, their effectiveness evidence is very limited.

Various non-surgical treatments are available, including medicines and injections of steroids into the affected area. But there’s limited evidence of their effectiveness.

If non-surgical penile curvature treatments don’t work for you, there are some surgeries that could help. However, the surgeries are usually performed at least after a year after the symptoms start. In some cases, penile curvature caused by Peyronie’s disease improves without treatment.

Surgeries vary by situation. Most common ones are:

  • Straightening the penis by lengthening the shorter side of it.
  • Straightening the penis by shortening the longer side of it.

How to straighten a curved penis?

If you have a curved penis and wish to straighten it, you can do so by undergoing surgery or via non-surgical procedures.

The most common and effective non-surgical way to straighten the penile curvature is by using a penis extender.

Some men choose to get steroid injections to their penis or use various medications. However, these methods have little to no scientific proof of effectiveness.

What does a curved penis mean?

A curved penis means that when the penis is erect it is not straight and has a slight curve to the left/right. If you are born with it and it doesn’t cause you any discomfort, most likely you don/t need to do anything about it.

However, if the penis curvature is something that you recently noticed and weren’t born with it, you should consult a physician. Especially f it causes you difficulty having sex, painful erections. These could be symptoms of Peyronie’s disease which requires treatment.

How to correct a curved penis?

There are two main ways to correct a curved penis. The first one is undergoing surgery. During the surgery, the shorter side of the penis is lengthened or vice versa. This helps straighten the penis.

The second way to correct a curved penis doesn’t require surgical intervention. The most effective way to straighten the penis is by using a penis extender.

However, some men choose steroid injections to the penis or special medication. Yet, these two methods have little to no scientific proof of effectiveness.

What is Peyronie’s disease?

Peyronie’s disease occurs when fibrous scar tissue develops on the penis and causes curved and even painful erections. Peyronie’s disease is noncancerous.

This disease is not something that you were born with. Usually, penis trauma causes it. The curvature varies per person.

Peyronie’s disease can cause painful erections and therefore painful sex. Another downside of this condition is the stress that can lead to anxiety and low self-esteem, especially since penis curvature in some cases makes the penis appear shorter.

On very rare occasions Peyronie’s disease resolves itself. However, for most men, it requires treatment as it can get worse over time. In general, the sooner you start treating it, the better results you can expect.

How long does it take to cure Peyronie’s disease?

In general, there is no cur that will completely fix Peyronie’s disease. The goal of any treatment, including surgery, is to reduce the pain and allow you to have a normal sex life.

If treatment is not necessary and you’re suffering from only a mild case, there is a great chance that you will heal within 5 to 15 months.

Also, the duration of the treatment depends on the treatment itself. If you choose to get surgery, your doctor will inform you about how long it will take for your penis to heal so that you could restore your normal sex life and live pain-free.

If you choose a non-surgical way, such as a penis extender, within around 6 months’ time, you can expect some really good improvements to your penis shape.

However, make sure to consult with a professional so that you could find the most optimal treatment for your case.

What causes Peyronie’s disease?

The most common cause of Peyronie’s disease is a minor injury to the penis. It can happen during rough sex or other trauma caused by sports o any other accident.

If an accident that involves a penis happens and the tunica albuginea is injured, it can result in the formation of scar tissue in the cells. Fibrosis is the medical term for it.

The scar tissue forms the plaque of Peyronie’s disease. To put it in other words, Peyronie’s disease is the result of incorrectly healed wounds by the body.

How to treat Peyronie’s disease?

Peyronie’s disease treatment depends on the phase that your condition is. The phase mostly depends on how long you have had the disease. Peyronie’s disease has two main phases:

Acute phase – usually occurs within the first 2-4 weeks of the disease, however, in some cases can last up to a year. The common symptoms include penile pain and curvature changes.

The recommended treatment in this phase is penile traction. That can be done with an extender or with special exercises. In this stage, surgery is usually not recommended.

Chronic phase – this phase is usually visible after 3 to 12 months after the initial symptoms started. The most common symptom of this is stability and no progression of the disease.

The recommended treatments for this phase include surgery or traction therapy. Some recommend oral medications or injections to the penis. However, they have little to no scientific proof to be effective.

How to get rid of Peyronie’s disease naturally?

The most natural way to get rid of Peyronie’s disease is by doing traction exercises or by using a penis extender.

In general, the only difference between traction exercises and penis extenders is that the penis extender does the exercises for you.

Since you wear the extender for around 8 hours a day, naturally you can expect to see visible results faster.

Curved penis and erectile dysfunction

In some cases, Peyronie’s disease can result in men having difficulty developing or maintaining an erection. In some cases, it’s not only the disease that contributes to erectile dysfunction. Stress/anxiety that comes from Peyronie’s can cause erectile dysfunction.

In general, around half of men who have Peyronie’s disease, have erection troubles as well.

Usually, erectile dysfunction is treated with prescription drugs that improve the blood flow to the penis.

However, each case is individual, so before you decide to take any kind of drug, you should consult a physician.

Curved penis and sex

If a curved penis doesn’t cause you painful erections, there’s no need to worry about how it looks when it comes to sex.

All you need to do is learn to take advantage of it. What I mean is that some specific poses make a curved penis an advantage when it comes to reaching the G or the P spot.

With an upward curved penis, even a simple missionary can be super exciting. The curvature makes it super easy to stimulate the G spot.

With a downwards curved penis, you can do the same only back to front.

Curved penis vs Peyronie’s disease

A naturally curved penis is something a man is born with and remembers having it all his life.

Peyronie’s disease on the other hand is something that happens due to penile injury and has scar tissue.

However, penis curvature from birth is very rare, and less than 1% of men experience it without Peyronie’s disease.

Does Peyronie’s disease ever go away?

Early treatment is the key to controlling Peyronie’s disease and not letting it progress. Peyronie’s won’t go away on its own.

Even if you already have it for quite some time – there are still things you can change and improve with the right treatment.

Can Peyronie’s disease correct itself?

Peyronie’s disease very rarely goes away on its own. Over time it either remains the same or worsens. Appropriate treatment could help with symptoms and restore the quality of life.

How does a man get Peyronie’s disease?

Minor trauma to the penis usually causes Peyronie’s disease. Such type of damage is usually a result of vigorous sex, sports, or other accidents.

What happens if Peyronie’s disease is left untreated?

If you leave Peyronies disease untreated, the symptoms can worsen. This means that you can start experiencing painful erections, painful sex, and other abnormalities that will interfere with your everyday life.

Even though there are some cases of Peyronie’s disease that resolve themselves, it’s better to consult a professional for proper treatment.

How much does it cost to fix Peyronie’s disease?

Journal of Sexual Medicine (2019) published a study, where they compared over 200 Peyronie’s disease patients. The patients received different treatments: by using a penis traction device, CCH, or surgical options.

According to the survey, the most cost-effective way to treat Peyronie’s disease was a penis traction device (penis extender). The average cost per person was $883. The most expensive option was surgery with an average price of $11,419 per person.

How successful is Peyronie’s disease surgery?

According to the Journal of Sexual Medicine (2019) study, where they examined over 200 patients that were treated from Peyronie’s with different measures, surgery had the biggest success rate.

The success rate of surgery was 96%.

How do doctors diagnose Peyronie’s disease?

In most cases, a simple physical exam is enough to diagnose Peyronie’s disease. In order to diagnose Peyronie, here are the potential tests that your doctor will be performing on you.

Tests to diagnose Peyronie’s disease and understand exactly what’s causing your symptoms might include the following:

  • Your doctor will check your non-erect penis to find out how much scar tissue you actually have. Also, the doctor might measure your penis length. Measuring helps keep track of how the disease is progressing. There is a chance that your doctor will ask for pictures of your penis when erect. That will help determine the degree of curvature and help find the best treatment for your penis.
  • If your doctor feels like you need to undergo more tests for a more accurate diagnosis, you can expect an ultrasound. Your penis will likely be injected with special supplements to make it erect. Ultrasound is the most common measure to check for penis abnormalities. It helps see abnormalities in the soft tissues and properly see the scarring.

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