How To Increase Blood Flow To Penis Naturally?

How To Increase Blood Flow To Penis Naturally?
Martin Moore
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I feel like I’ve read this same article on the internet so many times I don’t need to write another one. But here I am, racking my brains about why I need to write an article about how to increase blood flow to penis naturally…the most simple answer to this question would be because I care. I care about how to make myself, and anyone who’s reading this article, healthy and happy, and sexually if not in any other way. We all know sexual health isn’t a joke, don’t we?

All those articles I have read about increasing blood flow to the penis were pretty good actually and certainly talked about the things I could do or something or the other I could eat but I want to come up with something different. And by different I mean I want to talk about things that one can do, that not only are natural but also come quite easily and naturally to men, to increase the blood flow to the penis!

So this article is a compilation of all those techniques – eating habits, exercises – along with my inputs and insights, helping you learn how to increase blood flow to the penis. There’s also an added bonus, and it would be a quick fix for anyone (think penis pump, what is it and an option to consider) who believe they need it, but that comes later.

First things first, why is blood flow to the penis so important?

Blood flow is definitely important to have better erections. The blood flow to your penis singlehandedly determines how hard your erection will be or how long it will last. The free flow of blood to your penis also helps prevent erectile dysfunction. In fact, all the supplements that are available in the market work to make sure there’s an unrestricted flow of blood to your sexual organ.

Before we move ahead, this is how erections work: When a male is aroused, his central nervous system as a reflex action (through nerve messages and impulses) makes sure that the blood vessels in the penis open up. This relaxing and opening up allows blood from the body to flow in to fill these vessels. This blood trapped under high pressure in these vessels creates an erection. If the blood flow is restricted to the penile vessels, due to internal (health) or external (pressure) causes, an erection does not occur easily. 

How to Make Sure There’s an Unrestricted Blood Flow to My Penis?

Well, this is where this article comes handy. Listed below are tips – diet & exercise – that’ll help ensure free flow of blood to your penis!

What to Eat, Then?

What you eat is significant, besides the ‘you are what you eat’, consuming a healthy diet that’s rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients improves your chances to stay healthy all over. You should not just be able to improve blood flow to your penis but also lead a disease free life if you consume a balanced diet. 

Scientifically moral lectures aside (hey, we all know dumping junk food into our stomachs is easy but can’t be good) these are some food items you could eat as easily as you eat that juicy hamburger:


garlic to increase blood flow to penis

Vampires, this isn’t for you, humans, welcome garlic into your lives. There’s a study that actually proves that garlic improves the flow of blood in your body. (No wonder vampires don’t like garlic. They have no blood in their bodies so the garlic must just drag whatever fluids they do possess all over their cold lifeless bodies and that must be quite an affair. Just the smell of garlic must drive those vampires so totally nauseous…Please excuse me going off the tangent so extremely like this, it’s still October and I really like Halloween. I have a vampire costume, complete with fake blood on my desk as I write this article.) 

Anyway, humans, open your heart to garlic (read: garlic helps mediate cholesterol efflux in patients with coronary artery disease so if you open your heart to garlic it’ll actually open your heart. Get it? Do you get it? Okay no more stupid tangents I’m done) because it’s quite easy to drop a little bit of it in any dish you’re cooking. If you’re making soup, add some garlic in it. Are you in the mood for curry? Okay, add some garlic in it. Go to YouTube and learn how to make garlic bread. I mean, it’s delicious and healthy.

Dark Chocolate

dark chocolate for penile health

Did you even remotely think this list was going to be such fun? Yes, dark chocolate will do the trick when you’re both worried about erectile dysfunction and also in the mood to satisfy your 2 AM craving. A good slab of dark chocolate in the pantry has done no one any harm, ever. It will increase blood flow for sure, go for the one with 70% cacao content. I remember when I had my vaccine, even then I came home and chomped down on a little bit of it because I read somewhere that dark chocolate will help – basically, it is good to pop in a piece or two in your mouth every once in a while. Even if you’re not a fan – dark chocolate is actually very good for your penis health.

Citrus Fruits & Nitrate-Rich Vegetables

citrus for penis health

Learning how to increase blood flow to penis naturally isn’t as fun as you expected, right? Remember how they said in school fruits and vegetables were important for the body? Well, they didn’t lie about these buggers. Citrus fruits like lemons, oranges and grapefruits contain large amounts of flavonoids, which improve blood flow. Although, if you use Viagra or other ED medications, no grapefruit for you as grapefruit has the potential to increase blood levels of ED medications in your body.

And certain vegetables like beets, spinach and collard greens are rich in nitrates which get converted into nitric oxide by the body. These boosts blood flow throughout your body and are a really good option if you have salad on your mind for brunch. Red hot peppers are also quite good for improving blood flow naturally.

Well, you see how easy it is to eat healthy naturally? The food items mentioned above are no fuss – no effort items but if you want to go that extra mile, these are some items you could include in your diet for improved blood flow:

  • fish containing Omega-3 fatty acids
  • cinnamon
  • nuts
  • onions
  • turmeric.

How Can Exercise Help?

exercise to stay healthy

Exercise can help in numerous ways. Maintaining a proper body weight itself (do you know what BMI is?) is beneficial for many reasons. It is known that obesity is directly linked with erectile dysfunction. So the first thing to do would be to make sure you have a healthy weight. If not, time to get your socks up and hit that gym, my friend.

A tip would be to hit YouTube, really, those 20 minute no equipment beginners workouts will make you sweat like you were running for your life in the Sahara. Trust me, squats aren’t the bane of my existence for nothing. With baby steps – jumping jacks, to be precise – start your regular exercise routine!

Added Tips That Can Help Increase Blood Flow in Your Body:

Some other points to consider would be to cut back on alcohol and drugs, obviously. That nicotine in your cigarette doesn’t help either, so say no to cigarettes. And try to limit your exposure to stress – meditation might help relax your mind. Going on a walk is something I prefer personally. Listening to music is another personal favorite.

A Quick Trick: The Penis Pump

This is what I talked about right at the beginning…a quick fix for anyone who thinks they need it. So, what’s a penis pump? As per the name suggests, this contraption pumps your penis, quite literally. Penis pump is a vacuum device that helps your penis get hard in cases of emergencies. The emergency being if you needed to have sex Right Now and your erectile dysfunction decided this was the time to make an appearance and say hello. That unwanted guest can be shooed off with a penis pump.

They’re also quite easy to use and can have permanent effects when used properly. A penis pump is basically a plastic tube that fits over your penis. A pump is attached to the tube and a ring fits around the base of the penis once it’s erect to keep the erection. And of course, don’t forget to apply lube because lube makes everything easier, and I’d argue, better.

Your doctor can prescribe a penis pump for you, or you can get it yourself in a sex toy shop. Here is also an option for you to consider.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Still have questions about how to increase blood flow to penis naturally? Drop them in the comments below! 

What will happen if I throw my hands in the air and just don’t care about my health, sexual or otherwise?

You will die. I mean, maybe not today or maybe not now (wait for a second to see if you’re still reading) but you will die after living an unhealthy life. It’s no fun worrying about if your penis is alright or why your back hurts every other day. If you know you can get rid of a disease ridden body and be better only if you put just a bit of effort into it, why choose to do otherwise?

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