Penis Enlargement Surgery Cost in USA

Penis Enlargement Surgery Cost in USA
Martin Moore
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Men, who wish for a bigger penis and are ready to take action often wonder what is penis enlargement surgery cost in the USA? Is it expensive? Are there any cheaper ways to enlarge the penis? What are my choices?

If you’re a guy like that, you’ve come to the right place. Here you will learn about the only FDA-approved penis enlargement procedure, its price, and cheaper non-surgical alternatives that could help you. Let’s be fair, no one wants to experience painful surgeries with lengthy recovery times.

Penis Enlargement Surgery Cost in USA

Currently, there is only one penis enlargement surgery that is cleared for commercial use under the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) 510(k) regulation. This surgery is called Penuma.

The Penuma device is FDA-cleared for cosmetic enhancement. If you are not familiar with this penile implant, read the following section or visit the official Penuma website.

The founder of this procedure is James Elist, MD, FACS, FICS, of Beverly Hills, California. At the time of writing, he is one of the two certified practitioners.

On average this penis enlargement surgery cost in the USA is 15-16k USD. However, each case is individual, so it can cost more or less than the given amount.

The regular recovery period is around 2 weeks, so you need to consider your expenses for that time as well.

There are other penis enlargement surgeries and injections that come with a lower price tag.

However, most of them can only promise you temporary results, while others are not performed solely for cosmetic purposes.

According to the American Urologic Association, such procedures haven’t been proved to be safe or effective in terms of increasing the length or thickness of the penis.

All in all, if you are serious about having your penis enlargement surgery – consult a professional. The doctor will tell you your personal penis enlargement surgery cost in the USA, potential alternatives, and help you decide whether it’s the best choice for you.

Before you choose a specialist – do a throughout research. Poorly performed penis surgeries can lead to nerve damage, scarring, and other complications that can later interfere with your daily and sex life.

Penis Enlargement Surgery Cost in USA vs World

As I mentioned before the penis enlargement surgery cost in the USA (Penuma), on average, costs around 15-16k USD.

However, there are other penis enlargement surgeries that are performed all over the world that could be cheaper.

Yet, most of the procedures don’t offer any permanent results.

According to Health Tourism and the clinics listed on their website, penis enlargement surgery cost in Europe starts from 3200 USD.

However, most clinics listed there don’t provide their prices and only offer them upon request.

If you choose to have surgery in a different country or continent that you live in, you should also consider the additional costs of traveling, accommodation and any other that’s applicable.

How Penis Enlargement Surgery Works?

As I mentioned before, there are different penis enlargement surgeries. However, in this article, I will talk only about Penuma, as it is the only one that is actually FDA approved.

For those who prefer watching rather than reading, check out this video. Due to its NSFW content, you will need to visit YouTube and be able to watch age-restricted videos.

Penis Enlargement with Penuma

The Penuma implant is made from medical-grade silicone. it is crescent-shaped to match your penis shape.

During the procedure, the implant gets inserted under your penis skin. As a result, it can make your penis look longer and wider.

Currently, the implant comes in three sizes: large, extra-large, and extra-extra-large. The implant is chosen individually while consulting with your doctor.

penuma penis implant sizes

Don’t worry, your implant will be designed to exactly fit your penis shape. Doing this helps prevent any post-surgery discomfort.

During the procedure, a small incision is made in your groin area, right above the penis.

Through that cut, the Penuma implant is inserted into your shaft over the corpus cavernosa.

If you watched the video, you can see that it looks similar to putting a sheath on your penis, under the skin.

This device stretches the penis skin and penile tissue. Due to that the penis feels and looks larger.

On average, the surgery lasts around 45 to 60 minutes and requires 2-3 days of rest. However, specific recommendations vary per person.

Also, there will be a need to withhold from sex. On average, it’s from 4 to 8 weeks. Yet, the duration varies per person and can only be determined by a certified professional.

Things to Know About The Procedure

Naturally, before the procedure, your doctor will answer all of your questions and cover topics of pre-and post-surgery guidelines that a patient must follow to avoid any complications.

  • In most cases, you’ll be able to go home the same day as the procedure.
  • If you’re not circumcised, you will need to do it.
  • The procedure is performed while the patient is under general anesthesia, so arrange your ride home in advance.
  • This procedure lasts 45 to 60 minutes, on average.
  • You will require around 2-3 rest days.
  • For a couple of weeks after the surgery, your penis will be swollen.
  • You will need to withhold from masturbation and sexual activity for about 6 weeks.

As tough as it may be to not touch yourself for such amounts of time, it’s an absolute must to always follow the doctor’s recommendations and instructions as strictly as possible.

This way you avoid any potential compilations or side-effects. Keep in mind that the penis is yours and if you do something bad that can complicate desired results – you will be the one who has to live with it.

Penis Enlargement Surgery Side-Effects

Even though your doctor will discuss all potential side effects that are associated with the procedure, there’s no harm in learning about some of them in advance.

Since the surgery is performed under anesthesia, any risks that come with it are involved in the whole procedure.

Some of the most common side-effects of anesthesia include:

  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • confusion
  • exhaustion
  • hoarse voice

Going under anesthesia can also increase your risk of pneumonia, heart attack, stroke, and some other medical conditions.

That is why it’s super important to tell your doctor about your whole medical history and diseases that run in the family.

Besides anesthesia, when it comes to the procedure itself, there may be several other side effects that you can experience, however, they should be temporary.

Such side effects include some loss of penis sensation and painful erections. These side effects can occur during the first couple of weeks after surgery.

Yet, if any of those side effects last longer than a couple of days, you should see your doctor.

In some cases, it is even required to remove and re-insert the implant so that the symptoms would disappear completely.

Keep in mind that such surgery will change the appearance of the penis. It can look bulkier, bigger and its shape can change.

Before you decide to take this or any other penis enlargement surgery, be sure to have an in-depth discussion with a professional.

This way you will have realistic expectations and will know what’s waiting for you after the surgery and the healing processes are completed.

Penis Enlargement with Penuma Results

If you wish to see the results of the Penuma procedure, check out Dr. Elist’s website (the inventor of Penuma). Due to explicit content, I decided to keep the images off my website.

In terms of statistics, based on that same website, people who had the Penuma procedure report visible increases in length and girth of the penis.

The increase of the penis, on average, varies from 1.5 to 2.5 inches, while flaccid and erect.

The average male penis is about 2.8 to 3.9 inches long (3.8 inches in girth) when flaccid, and 4.7 to 6.3 inches long (4.6 inches in girth) when erect.

So, this procedure could enlarge the average penis up to a length of 6.4 inches when flaccid, and 8.8 inches when erect.

Methods You Shouldn’t Waste Your Money On

If penis enlargement surgery cost in the USA is too high for you, you can search for alternatives.

There are some, however, there is one thing I would recommend to stay away from – penis enlargement pills.

I won’t go into much detail because even talking about them is a waste. However, if you’re curious, you can read about my experience here.

Spoiler alert – my penis didn’t become bigger.

So, better buy yourself something that brings you joy – even a simple meal at a restaurant but don’t waste your money on penis enlargement pills.

I’ve tried some other cheaper ways to enlarge my penis and for me, some of them were effective, while others gave no results.

You can learn more about my experiences by reading the section below.

Cheaper Penis Enlargement Surgery Alternatives

If penis enlargement surgery cost in the USA is too high for you, or you don’t want a penis enlargement surgery performed on you, you can consider several alternatives.

In general, there are three ways for you to enlarge your penis without surgery.

Similar to surgery, results vary per person. So, some people may find these extremely helpful, while for others it will give zero to mild results.

Penis Stretching Exercises

There are several penis stretching exercises that you can perform on a daily basis.

It’s a long-term commitment and it will take more than a couple of months to see the results.

This penis enlargement way requires a lot of dedication and being able to focus solely on your penis for about an hour a day.

You can find detailed penis enlargement exercises instructions here.

However, if you don’t have the luxury of spending this much time solely on your penis, consider penis extenders.

Penis Extenders

quick extender pro - best penis extender

Compared to penis enlargement surgery costs in the USA, a quality extender is a lot cheaper.

Personally, I tried many of them, however, only several actually helped me. The penis extender that gave me the best results is Quick Extender Pro. You can read my experience with it here.

It’s made here in the US and is popular among men who want to avoid surgery.

Also, they offer you a money-back guarantee, in case you find that the device didn’t do its job.

Usually, they offer pretty generous discounts on their website, so, if you manage to catch one of those – you’re in luck.

Yet, even though a penis extender is a great alternative to stretching exercises, it also requires a long-term commitment.

If you are looking for quick ways to impress your partner, most likely all you need is a penis pump and not an expensive surgery.

Penis Pumps

bathmate hydro7

Penis pumps have been popular among men for quite a while.

If you are looking for a way to temporarily increase your penis size – this one is among the most effective ones.

When you put on a penis pump, it forms a vacuum around your member which draws more blood into it.

That causes the penis to temporarily enlarge. From my experience, the effects wear off within about 30 minutes.

So, I would recommend using it right before sex. Also, using a cock ring can be a huge help to prolong the effects of the pump.

When I was younger, I wanted a bigger penis as well. So, before I obtained the results that were satisfactory to me, I would use an extender for long-term results and a pump for short-term ones.

After around 4 months, I noticed myself using the pump less and less. With some time more, I completely phased it out of my life.

Final Words on Penis Surgery

The only FDA-approved penis surgery is Penuma. The average penis enlargement surgery cost in the USA is 15-16k USD. However, the price is very individual.

Throughout the world, there are various surgeries and injections that promise penis enlargement. The starting price for those is around 3000 USD. However, basically, none of them have any scientific proof to back them up – only several testimonials from patients.

If the penis enlargement surgery cost in the USA is too high for you, you can consider non-surgical ways that could increase penis sizes, such as penis stretching exercises, penis pumps, and penis extenders.

Ali-in-all, I always recommend talking to a professional before you start using any penis pumps, extenders, or other devices. The same goes for surgery. Also, make sure you choose a professional that can be trusted.


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