How To Practice Coprophilia As A Fetish?

How To Practice Coprophilia As A Fetish?
Martin Moore
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I was always familiar with urophilia, even before that controversy revolving around Trump. But going from one page to another on the internet brought me from urophilia to coprophilia! It’s another, but sort of related, kind of fetish. This article might get a bit graphic at times, so read with caution.

This fetish, coprophilia, is like taking a step more, moving from the bodily fluids to the not-so-fluid outputs. I’ll explain it in detail in the coming sections. But I’ll be honest, coprophilia came across as something sort of unpleasant to me when I first found out about it.

This unpleasantness might have something to do with the fact that I’ve studied and written numerous articles on anal sex. And all my research tells me how the anus is filled with so many bacteria. At all points, that bacteria is something to be avoided. 

In fact, many people either avoid or refrain from anal sex because they’re unwilling to deal with the bodily waste related to it. Coprophilia is also frowned upon for similar reasons. But as I continued to read more about it, I became objective, and coprophilia sort of started to fascinate me. 

This article will try and present the fascinating side of coprophilia. Now, it’s not as fascinating as finding a pot of leprechaun gold under a rainbow. But the psychology behind this fetish is quite interesting and something worth exploring.

What Is Coprophilia?

chocolate candies look like poop

Coprophilia is centered around human fecal matter. Before I begin this article, please keep in mind that engaging with animals for any kind of sexual or non-sexual kink is not okay. Animals cannot give consent and therefore should just be left alone.

Now, this human fecal matter, imagining what it tastes like, trying to smell it, look at it or even lick it – this all falls under the poop fetish. Engaging in this fetish would include touching poop, eating or licking, and even at times shitting or rubbing feces on each other. Many partners even poop in each other’s mouths.

I read a particularly vivid anecdote once of how a man sucked the shit out of his partner’s ass. He was simply licking her ass when he started tasting something which he hadn’t before…and apparently loved it so went on. The partner gave consent through repeated moans and when asked to push, pushed it right into her partner’s mouth.

That said – and I’m sorry if it was too graphic for you, believe me, I toned it down as much as I could – coprophilia has some other forms. Let’s go over these two:

  • Apart from dealing with poop, if you enjoy or get aroused by watching other people poop their pants, that’s a form of coprophilia. Watching someone pooping on someone else or simply pooping on the toilet is also a part of it.
  • The form of this fetish where a person wears a diaper and walks around feeling the poop rubbing against them is also accepted as coprophilia. 

There’s also another accepted form of coprophilia where a person does not come in contact with feces. That form includes them either watching scat porn or simply imagining or fantasizing about fecal matter. We’ll discuss this form in detail further in this article.

Coprophilia And Its Manifestation

The very first question would be, why would someone be interested to come in contact with feces? Many interesting theories have arisen to answer this question. I read about how when one masturbates inside the bathroom, they might develop an attraction toward the smell of feces.

Due to the lack of a private space – you might have had to share a room with a sibling while growing up – the bathroom is usually the space where many people go to relieve themselves. When I say relief, I mean all kinds of relief. Often after one has used the bathroom for defecating, they may have masturbated.

When you’re growing up in circumstances such as these, it’s only natural you wouldn’t mind the smell of feces around you when you’re cumming. Oftentimes, maybe the smell acts as a catalyst to arouse you. When I was reading this theory – and there were so many more – this fetish (called the scat fetish) really did start to make sense. 

Another theory that was really interesting to me was how one compared this fetish to the diaper fetish. Here’s where it comes from: babies, at times, are really interested in touching or smelling and even eating their shit. Parents usually have a fit and clean the kids but then they do it again.

So scat fetish can really be something inherent. Well, nobody wakes up one day and decides they’ll eat someone’s feces that day. That’s not really how it starts. There’s always a cause. Open-minded people are usually willing to follow their fetishes to see where it leads them. And we, as people, should also think for ourselves if judging someone for their likes or dislikes is valid.

How Rare is Coprophilia? 

Scat fetish is pretty rare to come across, and mostly because of two reasons. Firstly, people are afraid of being judged so they don’t voice their desires. This leads to the suppression of this kink and we don’t find many practitioners talking openly about it.

And secondly, the risk with this fetish is very real. I mean, yes, even if we’re totally open-minded (like we should be) about someone practicing their kinks in their own time at their own place, the fact remains that coprophilia can be dangerous. I’ll be sure to talk about some of the safety precautions in the next sections.

Now, all that said, coming across coprophilia might be rare…but scat fetish itself isn’t rare. Just one Google search will take you to multiple questions raised on the internet about scat fetish. There are people out there wanting to know what to do, how to do it, and whether it is safe.

There are also so many people sharing their own stories! They’re talking about the first time they practiced coprophilia or how they feel when they indulge in it. One thing that I must add though is that there are also unsupportive people out there answering these same questions.

You could be someone who found photos of shit in your partner’s phone or a parent who found your child licking their own feces…so it’s understandable why the reaction to this fetish can be harsh and even violent. But it’s good that articles or questions like these and many others exist because that means you’re willing to learn more about this fetish – and knowing about something is one step towards completely understanding it.

The Health Concerns With Coprophilia

poop fetish ice cream looks like poop

Now, this is something that’s actually a point of concern. Serious diseases can spread through practicing coprophilia. You’ll find people claiming that it’s completely okay to ingest fecal matter if the person producing it leads a healthy lifestyle and is free of diseases. This isn’t always right.

  • Smelling poop or getting aroused by the sight of it is one thing, ingesting it is a completely different ball game. Even smelling or licking poop is dangerous – you can inhale more bacteria or protozoa than I can name. And they’ll not be the good ones because they came with the body waste.
  • Ingesting fecal matter depends on both the person producing it and the person ingesting it. An extremely healthy person can give you your poop – get a health checkup is done to find out if your partner in fact is actually healthy – but what if your body isn’t strong enough to fight the germs that come with it? Both of you should get similar tests done to check where you stand.
  • And now, most times it’s hard to find a partner who gives consent to poop play. Many practitioners just steal diapers or carry out their indulgences with discretion. If you think you’re healthy enough, and you steal someone’s poop…many things can go wrong with it.

I came across this anecdote on the internet where a medical practitioner stole an elderly’s diaper because of their scat fetish. They continued to smear, lick and smell the fecal matter on their sexual organs and faces. Two days later they had an infection that turned serious pretty fast.

You must have come across many articles or web pages where that continuously and particularly warn people against getting poop in the vagina. Open wounds, openings in the body and our delicate stomach needs to stay away from things that can make us sick…very very sick.

Precautions You Most Absolutely Should Take

Other than the diseases that most definitely spread through ingesting fecal matter, you also need to worry about parasites. The symptoms usually start to appear between 30 minutes to 4 hours of eating poop. You can expect nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and a fever. 

In worst cases, these might be indicating you have hepatitis. To avoid it all, a few things should become second nature to you if you’re considering practicing coprophilia. Not eating poop, licking it, or smelling it would be ideal. Other than that, the first and foremost thing is cleanliness. 

Imagine this, you have poop on your hands, you open the door by twisting the doorknob, clean yourself and come back…only to use the same doorknob. You have to be more diligent than that, my friend. Make sure you use gloves and dispose of them properly. Now, many scat lovers like to touch the poop, so gloves are out of the question for them.

So what you’ve got to do is keep that bottle of sanitizer handy. You must use it on the doorknob, obviously. But before touching the doorknob use a tissue to wipe your hands and then sanitize them as well. Remember to throw the tissue in a waste bin. That used tissue does not belong anywhere else. 

I know I’m being a bit particular here but that’s the amount of attention you need to give to the details. Dental dams are another thing you should consider if you want to make sure the fecal matter doesn’t touch you. If you want to be completely safe, you will have to make sure you don’t come in any direct contact with the body waste.

How To Practice Coprophilia?

chocolate cream looks like poop

All said and discussed, eating your own poop is safer than eating someone else’s. So, when you’re sure you most definitely want to come in contact with poop while practicing coprophilia, you could take your own fecal matter into consideration rather than someone else’s. 

But if you have a partner who’s willing to explore this fetish with you, rimming is the first place to begin. After you’ve had the conversation with your partner, maybe they should not shower before sex so they’re not entirely clean. You can begin your exploration there. 

The next step would be to not wipe your butt after pooping. You could also see if that’s where you’re okay to begin. Many of us have to at times cross some boundaries to know what we like. Gradually, you could increase your contact with poop to see what level gives you the most excitement!

There are also two more pretty fantastic ways to explore a scat fetish:

  • One of the ways is BDSM. I mean, I don’t have to tell you the numerous possibilities in BDSM scat play brings with it, do I? There’s humiliation, there’s a power play and there’s some hardcore domination!

Many of us might not particularly be into scat play – or maybe we are, we just don’t know it yet – and engaging in some coprophilia while practicing BDSM is a good way to introduce us to it. 

  • Another great way to engage in coprophilia is playing it out as a fantasy. You see, many of us might find the idea of poop arousing. Masturbating to it or fantasizing about it is also an accepted form of coprophilia.

This is probably the safest way to practice the poop fetish. You could think of licking it, eating it, or even smelling it. You could think of scenarios where you’re doing all of it with yourself or together with a partner. This way you can have self-pleasure. 

Dirty talking about it with an interested and consensual partner is also practicing coprophilia. This is way more fun when your partner engages in dirty talk with you!

To Conclude:

When you think of fetishes that involve bodily fluids or solids, urophilia sure is much safer than coprophilia – read more about urophilia here – but they’re both valid. Both urine and fecal matter is a body waste and should be dealt with accordingly. 

Be sure to take the proper precautions, practice utmost caution, and take consent before engaging in any fetish with a partner or your significant other. This makes anything you do both enjoyable and acceptable!

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