Pills for Sex: Should We Trust Them?

Pills for Sex: Should We Trust Them?
Martin Moore
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Some of my friends and I were talking about sex pills (yes, we talk about all things NSFW at dinner parties – we’re liberated, that way) and one of them was adamant in their beliefs that they don’t work. ‘There is no magical Cambodian plant in those pills for sex’, he said, ‘that can help grow a penis’. 

From talking about growing penises we seriously moved on to the ingredients they have in them. So then, another friend talked about how some diet pills also have harmful substances in them. Forget doing the job that they were bought for, these pills do more harm than good when you consume them. Take this article, for example, that talks about the FDA warning consumers to avoid certain pills.

Why is it then, that these pills continue to be produced? Similarly, men keep buying them – and not because they need them. These pills are sold in huge numbers because they’re marketed in such a way that makes men think they need to enhance themselves. A little bit of knowledge about what is and what isn’t possible can help ward off these insecurities. This article will talk about sex pills, what they are and which ones to actually trust.

Sex Pills And Male Enhancement Pills: Are They The Same?

Before you move on to reading about which pills work and which don’t, it’s necessary to determine whether you need them. There’s also a crucial distinction between sex pills and enhancement pills – read on about them in the next section.

What are sex pills?

Sex pills are pills that are usually taken for two conditions – one of them is ED or Erectile Dysfunction and the second one is PE or Premature Ejaculation. These pills are both recommended and prescribed by doctors or medical practitioners. Sex pills help treat medical conditions like ED or PE. 

If you don’t have any of these conditions, sex pills are not for you. Many men are under the impression that popular sex pills like viagra or Cialis will help them have bigger erections, but that’s not the case. These pills (including Sildenafil) treat a medical condition, namely ED, and help men reach their maximum erection size. And pills like Priligy help with PE. Another measure that men consider is using penis rings.

penis ring for erectile dysfuction

These pills for sex don’t help men enhance their erections into a massive mountain. Similarly, these sex pills don’t improve your capacity to retain semen inside you or increase your sexual stamina. Neither do they help you be any ‘better’ in bed? Those men in the ads or those actors in the movies who popped a blue pill and went about it for hours… Yeah, they lied.

What are male enhancement pills?

Male enhancement pills are basically a scam. Even viagra, at times, has been marketed in such a way that shows that it somehow gives men a wonder erection. While the truth is that it doesn’t. Nothing can give a man an erection bigger than his natural size unless he opts for penile surgery or penile traction therapy.

So, all these male enhancement pills or herbal supplements that you keep hearing about? It’s all marketed to prey on your insecurities. I’ve seen the ads, they always show a man to be sad or unsuccessful or simply frustrated, and after he pops some of these pills as sweet candy all his problems go away. As if all of a man’s problems are rooted in his penis and how big or small it is.

Their ingredients

Moreover, most of these pills are not even approved by the FDA. They have harmful ingredients in them and their production is largely unregulated. These enhancement pills claim to improve your sexual stamina, enlarge your penis, make you last longer in bed, make you the kind of the world and whatnot. They might have money-back guarantees but they also state that their results take time to show…and that they work differently for different men. Well, that’s not how medicine should work. 

Imagine if you had a cold and your doctor said something like, “I don’t know if this FDA-approved medicine for curing a common cold will work specifically for you. But you can always try and see if it does. Two days later, given your nose is still red and your fever persisting, you can take your money back.” That’s just medicine gone all wrong. If after two days you still have a cold, you move on to further tests to find out what’s wrong with your body. You don’t keep popping the same pills that haven’t worked and hope for the best.

So, What Pills Should I Take?

Now that you know there’s a clear difference between prescribed pills for ED and PE and these questionable male enhancement pills, ask yourself, do you need to take any of these pills? Both ED and PE are serious conditions that require medical attention. If you’re just unhappy with what you’re endowed with, chances are there’s no pill for that.

Before believing in any claims made by any male enhancement pills, oils, powder, or creams (there’s a lot of it out there) there are some other factors you need to consider. First, sit and think about what it is that you want to improve. Is it the length of your penis? Or the girth of your penis? Do you not like how long you last in bed or is your partner unsatisfied?

Chances are some of these things are in your head and some of them can be made better with a healthy lifestyle. Some problems in bed come from psychological issues. There are pills for that, to help regulate the hormones, but they are to be taken strictly on the advice of a medical professional. You should never take any over-the-counter pills lightly. Even your handy aspirin or ibuprofen can be harmful if taken without proper caution.

Side Effects Of Popping Pills Like Candy

Okay, sorry for that sarcastic title, but that’s what people who produce these male enhancement pills want you to do. A doctor will always prescribe the right amount of pills you need. Prescribed pills are to be taken at the right time as well. Unregulated pills with magical Cambodian roots, and God knows what else, usually don’t have these sets of instructions for you to follow.

Even viagra isn’t prescribed to people with heart diseases…so just think, what can these magic pills do to your body if taken in unchecked amounts? You wouldn’t even know what hit you and the next minute you’ll be having a stroke. That’s the worst-case scenario, but here are some real possible side effects of male enhancement pills gone nasty.

The Nasty:

  • The not so serious, but still annoying, ones are headaches, body aches, indigestion and diarrhea. These can get worse if you drink too much alcohol or eat spicy food. Try drinking some water or have some juice instead.
  • The sort of serious side effects of male enhancement pills could be back pain, vision changes, nasal congestion, and reddening of the face. This is when you know that pill ain’t for you.
  • The extremely serious side effects are like dizziness and vision or hearing loss. There are 100% chances that the unregulated medication you took didn’t sit well with another pill you’re taking. Or it can be the case that your body simply has an existing condition that is reacting adversely to these pills. This is the reason why you should always think twice before putting anything inside your body. And at this point, only a doctor can help you.

Other than these, priapism – an erection that lasts longer than a few good hours – is a serious side effect of male enhancement pills. Some pills work to direct all the blood in your body to your nether regions. They increase the amount of nitric oxide, a vasodilator, in your body. This is quite unnatural for your body if you don’t have ED and you don’t need external help to guide the blood flow. 

The male enhancement pills can give, what you think is a massive erection, at the expense of the natural blood flow of your body. Think twice before taking them. My advice is, go for a run, eat a banana (check out our article on how to naturally promote blood flow in the body) and stay away from the pesky promises made by opportunists.

Takeaway on Pills For Sex

Sex pills should be taken only when a medical professional has prescribed them to you. Chances are, taking over-the-counter pills or any of the male enhancement pills available in the market which are unregulated, won’t work. You’ll only be throwing money at a lost cause. There are no studies that prove these pills actually work. Studies that are carried out by private organizations on a small scale with even smaller numbers of test subjects are simply not reliable.

We should not trust male enhancement pills. We should also not take popular PE or ED pills if we don’t need them medically because they don’t produce unnatural results. Consult your doctor, make healthy lifestyle choices and talk everything out with your partner for happy and healthy sex life.


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