It’s Time To Talk About Dry Humping

Remember when we were kids and not allowed to have sex? Well, it’s time to reminisce. No, I’m not asking you to recall how you sneaked out of your house to climb a tree into some cute girl’s window. Or wait, does that only happen in the movies? Anyway, I’m not asking you to reminisce about sneaking out yourself or sneaking someone in either. Or the getting caught that came with it. I’m asking you to recall the excitement. I mean, you have to agree that those days when sex was such a huge deal for us, dry humping was pretty exciting.
Why Talk About Dry Humping Now?
I remember when I was young and hadn’t really had sex with anyone, dry humping is what got me turned on. It made me think I was doing it with someone I liked. Call it a little boy’s fantasy coming true but it was pretty real for me when I pretended my pillow to be a gorgeous lady. Well, that was when I was in my early teens…but I’m writing about it here because I don’t think I’ll ever shy away from talking about my sexual awakenings.
Anyway, dry humping is a thing of my past, like most of us…but does it have to be so? Several years ago, I went out with a girl I liked. And we had decided to not do it on the very first date. But of course, I went into her place and she was there and we were both into each other. So, making out, along with everything else, started as just a fun thing to do. But later, dry humping turned out to be much more fun than I remembered it to be.
So here it is, this article, to remind you all what you’ve completely forgotten about. This article will talk about what it’s like to dry hump when you’re an adult…or a consenting teenager. Also, the advantages that come with it and how it can be more than just some racy foreplay!
To Begin With, What Is Dry Humping?
I’ve so far assumed that you know what dry humping is because you’ve done it before. But maybe you haven’t…or maybe you’re a teenager who lost their way from all the social media websites that there are on the internet and found yourself reading this article. Whoever you are, I’ve got you covered.
Dry humping is when two people rub their genitals over each other or a single person rubs their genitals over a pillow or a soft (or hard?) piece of surface (maybe furniture?). The main idea behind doing this is sexual stimulation without any actual touching or penetration. It’s also called grinding, dry sex, outercourse, or simply frottage (masturbation).
Most of the time, we dry hump without even knowing that we’re doing it. You’ll understand how and when after you’re done with this article.
Dry Humping With a Partner
The partners need to be either fully or at least partially clothed in order to dry hump. Humping usually means getting it on with each other. The meaning is right there in the name, you call it dry humping because you’re planning to remain dry – which means there will be no exchange of bodily fluids. Yeah, you can make out with each other but that’s about it.
Dry humping among couples can lead to either sex or an intense orgasm without even touching each other’s genitals with hands or skin. And there are several advantages to it. To begin with, as there’s almost no exchange of bodily fluids, there’s an extremely low to nil chance of catching an STI (Sexually Transmitted Infection). You also don’t have to worry about an unwanted pregnancy.
It’s important to talk to your partner and decide if you want to move further from dry humping. But rest assured, a dry hump session could also be really fun!
Solo Dry Humping
As I’ve already mentioned, this used to be fun. This can still be fun but I’ve mostly lost my imagination and if I can’t dry hump a pillow thinking it’s a gorgeous dame, I’ll blame it on that. Jokes apart, going solo while dry humping has its own advantages. The chances of orgasming are a bit less because you mostly just get your hands down there…but maybe you have more willpower than I have.
It’s very simple to dry hump solo. After you’re aroused, take a pillow or choose a surface – soft or hard, depending on your preference – and rub your genitals over it. You can determine the speed with which you want to rub yourself. You can also move from one surface to another depending on what you’re most comfortable with!
Some Valuable Safety Tips
What type of clothes you’re wearing while dry humping is crucial. Avoid rough clothes or synthetic materials that can harm you while grinding. You could get a rash, or an irritating itch, or chafing of the skin. In severe cases, excessive friction can lead to bleeding in private and sensitive areas. Wear comfortable, soft clothes and clean underwear. If you’re partially clothed or fully, make sure you choose your fabric wisely.

Also sometimes, you lose control and you’re not dry anymore. So you must keep tissues handy. And more importantly, when this happens, there’s some chance of exchange of bodily fluids. So it’s advisable to wear a condom or at least keep one handy, even if you have no idea where the dry humping will take you. Who knows what the future holds.
The Purpose of Dry Humping
Two things can happen when you’re dry humping with a partner. Either you orgasm with your clothes on or you get super worked up and take those clothes off. When two people kiss, sometimes they automatically come closer to each other, and albeit subconsciously, the grinding begins.
This happens in the case of teenagers a lot. They usually start with the ahem, intention, of just making out but hormones exist and they are very much real. So they think the only probable option is to take off those layers and go at it. That’s where being informed comes in handy. You don’t have to essentially move on to penetrative sex after possible foreplay. And don’t do it, especially if you don’t have protection.
Dry humping instead, can give you an orgasm minus all the hassle or the fear of contracting something serious – be it a disease or unwanted pregnancy. It’s going to get a bit messy that way so it’s always advised to keep a condom handy…or some tissues. But don’t ever engage in unprotected sex even when you really want to. It’s just not worth risking yourself. Just try and remain dry!
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I dry hump using a sex toy?
Dry humping is traditionally done by just grinding against a person or a cushion, pillow, or furniture. But that does not mean you can’t get a bit innovative with it! Dry humping could often lead to penetrative sex, and then you can use sex toys, obviously. But even before you reach that stage, sex toys can be used.
I’m not talking about using a dildo or a vibrator the way you usually would, but using these sex toys to target all the other senses. How about a little nipple play with a vibrator? Or maybe you could take that paddle and spank your partner? You don’t necessarily have to be into BDSM to use that spiked Wartenberg Pinwheel lightly!
Is it dry humping if I orgasm?
Well, haven’t I been telling you that dry humping can actually lead to orgasm? I know some people who wouldn’t want to believe this. I mean come on, how can just grinding against each other lead you to actually see the stars? But let me assure you that this can happen not just to teenagers but to grown-ass adults. Firstly, a lot of factors come together to cause an orgasm – not just physical stimulation. And secondly, dry humping can be really intense at times.
I’m not saying you’ll have an orgasm 5 minutes into dry humping. But if you take your time, do what you or your partner likes – use those sex toys to their full advantage – and rub vigorously, or gently, or gently to vigorously, there’s a definite chance you will have an orgasm. Moreover, keep talking to your partner, ask them if they like what you’re doing. Throw some dirty talk into it and that will do the job for sure.
Do I have premature ejaculation if I orgasm within 5 minutes of humping dry?
Premature ejaculation (PE) is not a joke. A man on average can stay hard for almost 40 minutes to an hour, or at times even more. But when there’s friction involved, and the excitement is high and the hormones have started flowing, 5 to 10 minutes is all it takes for a man to ejaculate. Once the process begins (find out more about how a man ejaculates here), it’s hard to stop it.
So if you’ve started dry humping after you were already extremely aroused, or haven’t had sex in a while, the build-up can lead to orgasm within minutes. The case is similar to women. Although they don’t have to worry about premature ejaculation, if they’re way too excited, they can orgasm within 5 to 10 minutes after the friction begins.