Period Sex: Fundamentals And Beyond!

Period Sex: Fundamentals And Beyond!
Melissa Wild
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What’s the worst thing that can happen to you when you’re on your period? Besides cramps, the worst thing that I know happened to someone was an injury. No, don’t let your imagination run wild, it wasn’t an accident or anything…it was a sex injury.

What happened was, this person had some mind-blowing, bed-breaking sex two days before she got her period…and then she completely forgot about it. When she started bleeding (here’s Aunt Flo), she mistook the back pains like period cramps and had to suffer…a lot. I’m mentioning it here because this could have been avoided. 

If period cramps itself weren’t treated as something that will NEVER go away, this unnecessary pain would have been definitely avoided. I went to visit her and she was miserable. She was unable to move, unable to sit straight, unable to stand on her own, and unable to lie down in a comfortable position.

Surely this isn’t something that anyone should just take lying down. So, I took her to the emergency room and they told her it wasn’t her period that was causing the tremendous back pain. Bah. The moral of the story is, that a period isn’t always the scary monster it’s made out to be.

Similarly, period sex can be tricky. Having sex while you’re on your period might sound like something that’s best avoided. What with all the blood and the cramps – but as someone who has talked to people and asked questions about it openly, I say go for it. 

If sex on your periods wasn’t treated as such a taboo, my friend would have wanted to have another session of the same mind-blowing, bed-breaking sex and know what the last session had done to her. And instead of waiting for it to pass, ran to the doctor herself. Anyway, this article is for all those people who know that sex on your period can be tricky…but it’s definitely doable.

Is It Okay To Have Sex On Your Period?

Yes, it is most absolutely okay to have sex on your period. I mean, what do we have against it? I hear some of the things like, “period sex is painful” and “what if it is too messy?” or the classic, “it’ll stain my sheets”. So let’s counter these one by one, shall we?

Is period sex painful?

No, ma’am, it is not. From my understanding of this entirely sexist process of nature (yes, periods are sexist, they come after people with vaginas only) what’s painful are the cramps. The lower abdomen would be bloated, for sure. 

And back wouldn’t even put up a fight against the pain thinking there’s a football match going on inside your body. Between your bladder and your uterus, there will be war. I mean, there’s just no room for sex here, the energy of your entire body would be focused on cleaning out that baby pouch inside of you.

At this time, you might think that making a penis enter your body would be disastrous. There’s a solid chance your vagina might grow teeth and bite it off but here’s where you’re wrong. You misunderstand the need for your vagina to be smothered with love. 

Your period isn’t a time when you consider quickies, but it’s a time to be romantic and get those cuddles. Start with nice and good foreplay and just wait and see how your body opens up for more. I know, I have no uterus so I should have no opinion so, of course, it’s your decision. 

But let me tell you, once you make up your mind about giving yourself love, penis or not (knock knock, here’s a sex toy) period pains won’t be painful. You wouldn’t even think of it that way because your brain and body would both want it. It’s just like regular sex, if you’re into it you enjoy it…if not, you shouldn’t be doing it.

What to do about the mess that period sex brings with it?

period blood on fingers

What mess are we talking of here, the blood? Girl, that’s just natural lubrication. Period blood isn’t any dirtier than your regular body fluids. All my golden shower and poop lovers out there would have no problem mixing it up with some blood but what about us not-so-kinky mortals?

On your period, all you want to do is lie down, eat some chocolate and watch something that you like. I get it, cleaning would be the last thing on your mind. So here’s what you do – you wear your most ridiculously old pajamas, so old they’re torn and begging to retire now. And then you spread an even more ridiculously old bed sheet below you and forget about the stains.

It is actually nice to hold someone or be held, maybe get a massage, make out and forget about everything else because it feels so good. Period sex can feel so much better than regular sex because it takes your mind off of the other things that are happening to your body. 

Once you take two minutes to think of the stains and how to take care of it, there’s not much else to do. Keep some tissues handy if you’re keen on cleanliness – which is a good thing. And what’s the most perfect is if after your foreplay you take the whole thing to the bathroom. Just get into the shower or the bathtub and clean yourself right after you’re done!

Fun Things Aside, Is Period Sex Safe?

What our period makes us is lazy. We don’t want to take that condom out of that bedside drawer – it’s too far away, who wants to roll onto that other side anyway? Not putting on a condom is the only thing that makes period sex unsafe. Other than that, you’re all cool mama.

But then again, to speak about it a bit more, blood is tricky if you’re infected with something. A good precaution would be to know the person well. It’s not advisable to have period sex with strangers. Blood carries both STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections) and hepatitis. Having sex with a long-term partner can be special. Having sex with a stranger can be kinky bit risky.

By stranger, I don’t just mean one-night stands. Anyone who is not a regular partner can be a stranger. As respectfully as possible, explain it to the person that because you’re unaware of their sexual or medical history, you’d be unable to get intimate with them. 

Period sex can provide some great relief to the woman so if you’re in the mood to have fun, improvise. Feel free to get handsy though, or include sex toys! Don’t go down on her or exchange any kind of fluids. But feel free to make out – assuming she doesn’t have any STIs. And don’t be afraid or self-conscious of the mess. It’s just blood…and you’re not Lady Macbeth.

Can I get pregnant while having period sex?

You must be thinking, you simply can’t get pregnant, because of birth control, right? Well, the chances of you getting pregnant while on your period are really low. But I wouldn’t want to simply wing it – a woman’s body and the weather, both can be capricious when they want to be. It’s never a good idea to take risks about unwanted pregnancies.

Women with shorter menstrual cycles end up at a higher risk of becoming pregnant even when they’re menstruating. It’s because they start to ovulate faster than women with longer cycles. And sperm can stay active inside your body for a few days so the risk also is very much real here.

Each cycle is different for every woman. But even if your period is synced with your best friend who had unprotected sex and didn’t get knocked up, you don’t have to die everything she does. Wash up properly after you’re done and try to stay as safe as you can.

The Most Amazing Benefit Of Period Sex

period cramps

Period sex can be beneficial for more than one reason. And the very first one, going back to the story of my friend that I mentioned above, is that period sex helps make sure you don’t get unusually painful cramps. You won’t hold your back and beg for mercy from an imaginary tormentor. You see, after a point of time, you’ll know how bad your usual cramps are. 

If they are any worse than your last cycle, that’s when you either take painkillers or see a doctor. Sitting at home with a hot bag and wondering why God is punishing you would be out of the question. So, if you’d been at my friend’s place, and having regular sex while on your period, it would take you a day, at most, to realize it’s not your cramps but something else that’s causing so much pain.

People who have regular sex while on their period seldom have to worry about cramps. And more than that, they get to know their bodies extremely well. The same is with people who use a menstrual cup. There’s just so much contact going on down there, that if anything is amiss you’d know instantly. 

Also, period sex or otherwise, there’s just no reason for you to sit and take it. If your cramps are painful, see a doctor and take some meds – don’t stay in pain. My friend mistook back pains for period pains and figured it would just go away on its own. Irregular cramps can be extremely taxing for you, take help when they come your way.

More often than not, the pain is something that can be avoided with proper meds. Many women also develop gas and bloating while menstruating. This gives the impression that it’s all your period’s fault – and the bloating probably is – but it’s nothing that some meds, or a bit of good sex, in some cases, can’t fix.

Some More Benefits Of Period Sex

If I haven’t sold this to you yet, maybe this will finally convince you. Ladies, do you like bleeding for seven straight days? I’m guessing not. Would you like shorter cycles? If the answer is yes, well, there you have it. During sex, the muscles of your uterus contract. This results in a greater flow of your period blood. A better flow helps empty out the uterus sooner.

You might also end up with a healthier libido. And it’s a really good thing because that means your brain has started to accept the fact that it’s quite okay to want or crave physical intimacy even when you feel your body shouldn’t be up to it. It’s a sort of need that comes with complete acceptance of yourself. 

There are no possible side effects of having sex on your period. It comes with a healthy dose of happy hormones and there’s every chance in this world you’ll end up loving it!

To Conclude…

One last thing to keep in mind while engaging in sex while on your period is to make sure your tampon or menstrual cup is out before a penis or a sex toy goes in. I know I need not specifically say it, but for all the kids out there who are reading this article to actually find out more or because they’re clueless, take your tampon out.

However small it may be, even if you’ve just put it in, take it out and throw it away before having sex. And use a fresh one after you’re done. Okay? For cup users, take the cup out and wash it and leave it inside the pouch it comes with before using it again after sex. A cup won’t, but a tampon might go up the vagina and cause problems later.

You might need to go to a doctor to get it removed, so remove it yourself while you can. Also, never forget to wash your hands, and yourself and always sterilize your sex toys. Period sex is as fun as regular sex so try it out for yourself! It’s time to get your groove on even when there’s a river of blood flowing down there – because guess what, it’s as natural as anything could be.

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