Binding Spoon

Binding Spoon
Martin Moore
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I’m pretty sure you know how spooning works, with or without sex involved. Let me introduce you to a variation of spooning known as the binding spoon. This sex position gives the comfort of spooning, however, is a bit more aggressive and gives you a more comfortable position for deeper penetration.

The binding spoon sex position is a great sex position when you and your partner wake up feeling like you’re in the mood, yet still not awake enough to get up from bed.

  • Level of Difficulty: Easy
  • Level of Flexibility: Low

How Binding Spoon Sex Position Works?

In the binding spoon position, both partners have to lay on their side, as if they were spooning. The receiving partner (the one in front) has to lift up their leg and keep it in the air, to make access for the penetrating partner easier.

Tip: the penetrating partner can help support the receiving partner’s leg in the air with their arm, or the partner can simply cross it over and place the leg behind the penetrating partner. This option requires some flexibility.

When the receiving partner’s upper leg is in place, the penetrating partner can start engaging in anal and/or vaginal sex.

The binding spoon is a very intimate position where both partners experience a lot of skin-to-skin contacts. The only downside is that it’s pretty difficult to look each other in the eye. Doing so requires a lot of twisting in your neck that can end with a sprain and cause a lot of discomfort for even a few days.

However, this sex position allows a lot of additional stimulation, especially for the receiving partner. The penetrating partner (if they don’t need to hold the leg of the receiving partner) can stimulate the genitals and nipples of the receiving partner. Also, the binding spoon is sex toys friendly, therefore, make sure to read the section about suggested sex toys.

Things to Know:

  • The binding spoon position is pregnancy-friendly. Especially if the receiving partner is in their 3rd trimester. However, for some, regular spooning may be more comfortable since it doesn’t require leg lifting.
  • This sex position is also suitable for people who are disabled or have mobility issues. So, if you and/or your partner can’t engage in a lot of physical motion, the binding spoon could work for you.
  • The binding spoon is excellent for additional stimulation of the receiving partner. It’s perfect for individuals who can’t reach orgasm solely through penetrative sex. This position gives very easy access to the clitoris/penis that can be stimulated by the penetrating partner or with a sex toy.
  • Even though it’s very uncomfortable to try looking your partner in the eye when in this position, it’s still very intimate due to a lot of skin contact between the partners.

Sex Toys and Binding Spoon Position

The binding spoon sex position is perfect for those lazy mornings. There are several sex toys that can additionally contribute to laziness and do part of the job for you.

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